Concept of rendering in React JS


Rendering is a fundamental concept in React JS that determines how the UI is updated and displayed in response to state or prop changes.

React uses a declarative approach to rendering, meaning developers describe what they want the UI to look like, and React takes care of updating the DOM efficiently.

In this article, we will explore what rendering is, how React handles rendering, the Virtual DOM, types of rendering, and how to optimize performance.

What is Rendering in React?

Rendering in React refers to the process of creating and updating the user interface (UI) based on the state and props of a component. React follows a component-based architecture where each component renders its UI based on the provided data.

Whenever there is a change in state or props, React re-renders the component and updates the UI accordingly.

Example of a Basic React Component Rendering

function Welcome(props) { return <h1>Hello, {}!</h1>; } // Usage <Welcome name="John" />

In this example, the Welcome component renders a greeting message using the name prop. Whenever the value of name changes, React re-renders the component.

How React Handles Rendering?

React optimizes rendering using an efficient reconciliation process. The rendering mechanism follows these steps:

  1. Component Rendering – When a React component's state or props change, React triggers a re-render.
  2. Virtual DOM Comparison – React compares the newly rendered Virtual DOM tree with the previous one to determine changes.
  3. Efficient DOM Updates (Diffing & Reconciliation) – React updates only the parts of the actual DOM that have changed, rather than re-rendering the entire UI.

Understanding Virtual DOM in React

The Virtual DOM (VDOM) is a lightweight JavaScript representation of the actual DOM. It helps React efficiently update the UI by minimizing direct DOM manipulations, which can be slow.

How the Virtual DOM Works?

  1. Render Phase: React creates a Virtual DOM representation of the UI.
  2. Diffing Phase: React compares the new Virtual DOM with the previous one using a process called "diffing."
  3. Reconciliation Phase: React updates only the changed parts of the actual DOM.

Benefits of Virtual DOM:

✅ Reduces unnecessary DOM manipulations
✅ Improves performance by minimizing browser reflows
✅ Creates a smooth and fast UI experience

Types of Rendering in React

1. Client-Side Rendering (CSR)

Client-side rendering means that the entire application is rendered in the browser using JavaScript. The server sends a minimal HTML file with a script that loads the React app.


  • Dynamic and interactive UI
  • Faster subsequent page navigations


  • Slower initial load time (since JavaScript needs to be loaded first)
  • Poor SEO (search engines may struggle to crawl the content)

2. Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

In Server-Side Rendering (SSR), the React app is rendered on the server, and the fully rendered HTML page is sent to the client.


  • Faster initial page load
  • Better SEO performance


  • Increased server load
  • More complex implementation

3. Static Site Generation (SSG)

SSG generates static HTML files at build time, which are then served to users. This approach is used in frameworks like Next.js.


  • Extremely fast page loads
  • Great for SEO and performance


  • Not suitable for real-time data updates

4. Incremental Static Regeneration (ISR)

ISR is a hybrid approach used in Next.js, allowing static pages to be updated without rebuilding the entire site.


  • Faster than SSR
  • Works well for dynamic content


  • Not available in traditional React applications

Factors That Trigger Re-Rendering in React

React components re-render when:

  1. State Changes – When a component's state changes using useState or useReducer, it triggers a re-render.
  2. Props Changes – When a parent component passes new props to a child component, it re-renders.
  3. Context Updates – If a component subscribes to a React Context and the context value updates, it re-renders.
  4. Parent Re-Renders – If a parent component re-renders, its child components also re-render by default.

How to Optimize Rendering Performance in React

  1. Use React.memo() for Component Memoization
    React.memo() prevents unnecessary re-renders by memoizing functional components.
const MemoizedComponent = React.memo(MyComponent);
  1. Use useCallback() and useMemo() Hooks
  • useCallback() prevents unnecessary function re-creations.
  • useMemo() memoizes expensive computations.


const memoizedValue = useMemo(() => computeExpensiveValue(data), [data]);
  1. Avoid Inline Functions & Objects in JSX
    Using inline functions inside JSX causes new function instances to be created on each render.

Bad Practice:

<Button onClick={() => console.log('Clicked!')} />

Optimized Approach:

const handleClick = useCallback(() => console.log('Clicked!'), []); <Button onClick={handleClick} />
  1. Split Components Using Code-Splitting
    Using tools like React.lazy() and React Suspense allows loading components only when needed, reducing initial load time.


const LazyComponent = React.lazy(() => import('./LazyComponent'));
  1. Use Key Prop Efficiently
    When rendering lists, always use a unique key to help React identify changes efficiently.
{ => ( <li key={}>{}</li> ))}


Rendering is at the core of React JS, determining how UI updates and performance are managed. By understanding React's Virtual DOM, rendering types, and optimization techniques, developers can build efficient, fast, and scalable applications.

Key Takeaways:

  • React uses Virtual DOM for optimized rendering.
  • State and prop changes trigger re-renders.
  • React supports Client-Side Rendering (CSR), Server-Side Rendering (SSR), Static Site Generation (SSG), and ISR.
  • Performance can be improved using memoization, useMemo, useCallback, lazy loading, and efficient key usage.

By following best practices, developers can ensure their React applications render efficiently and provide a smooth user experience. ????

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